Missions / Outreach

Missions and Outreach at Maplewood is about increasing awareness and involvement in local and global efforts to realize God’s Word in action. They are also the main body of our church which welcomes new members into our congregation.

LIFT Group

LIFT (Ladies in Fellowship Together) is a group for ladies of all ages, who meet bi-weekly in the Fall and Spring for Bible & topical studies geared towards strengthening our daily walk with Christ. Our group meets in the church lounge on Tuesday evenings from 6:15 - 7:45 PM. We also get together for dinners and fun outings - especially in the Winter and Summer. Join us!

The Martha Circle

Martha’s Circle is a fellowship of ladies who are able to meet in the mornings for good food, conversation, and topical studies of God’s Word. We contribute where we can to projects that enhance the church and its life.

Men’s Lunch

Men’s group who meet for lunch and fellowship each Wednesday, 11:30 at our local Chick-Fil-A.